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الإسلام في عيون غربية منصفة (1)  /  Islam in Fair Western Eyes 1  613623
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 الإسلام في عيون غربية منصفة (1) / Islam in Fair Western Eyes 1

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 260
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تاريخ التسجيل : 24/01/2012
العمر : 37
الموقع : www.myworld.forumegypt.net

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الإسلام في عيون غربية منصفة (1)

Islam in Fair Western Eyes 1

Islam in Fair Western Eyes Dr. Abdulmutti Al-Dalaty In this article I continue what I have began in ''The Holy Quraan In Fair Western Eyes'', and I ask the respectful reader to review the introduction of that article. Sarugen Naido says:" Islam was existing while prayer time, in the mosque, and in the battle field while Muslims were fighting side by side. While the prince and the poor were bowing and kneeling shoulder by shoulder, the justice of islam was laid 5 times a day. I was attracted several times by the unity of Islam that never divide and that make a man a brother of the other man…"(1) And Prince Charles says:" Islam can teach us a way of living and understanding in the world, the thing that the Christianity have lost, Islam refuses division between the man and nature, religion and science and between mind and material"(2) The German Orientalist Zegrid Honkeh" there is no compulsion in religion, that what quraan orders, Arab never force the defeated nations to convert in Islam, So with out any force to enter Islam the believers of Christianity increasingly disappeared as the disappearing of the ice , as when the sun rise it worms it ! as the flower trends .towards light searching for more life , that’s way humans trends., even those who remains on their religion, to the Conqueror "(3) : Jostaf Lopond says in the Islamic modernization All what in Islam calls to goodness and reforms, Goodness is the believer's song, and that what I call the Christians for" The Orientalist Paul de Rakla : "Islam is proud enough by denying the rule that states "no peace outside the church" that many people are boasting by these days, Islam is the only religion that established, by its high virtues, many obstacles against nations leanings towards bawdry and immorality."(4) Islam is the religion of tolerance: Brthmly saint Hillar : "the call for monotheism that held by Islam , abided humanity from the former ages paganism "(5) Counte herry de castry: " I'v learned the Christians history in the Islamic world, and I realized very brightly that the Muslim treatment towards Christians is a proof of their kind companionship ,and that feeling never effect Muslims ,we never see Islamic religious assembly or preachers walks behind the fighting armies forcing nations to believe"(6) Gotha shows the countenance of that forgiveness in his book Muslims Virtues :" for truth I say : that the Muslim's forgiveness is not out of weakness, but the Muslim forgives with his proud of his religion , and holding of his faith" Hanutue confirms his admiration to the greatness of the Islamic forgiveness by saying:'' we owe to Muslims ,justice, peace, religious simplicity, and our duty is to learn that religion and work hard to understand it. And we should take( there is no compulsion in religion).as our motto"(7) Lean Paul the orientlist says :" at the time the religious segregation reaches its highest levels Islam came to say" you have your own religion and we have our own" that was the real surprise to the human community that has never known the religious freedom, and maybe never know it till today" (Cool Islam the Humans refuge Arthur Hamelton says:'' If man be a seeker of truth surly they will believe that Islam is the only solution to humanity problems"(9) The Law professor Marcille Buazar confirms that meaning by saying:" the entrance of Islam to the international field , and putting things in its right places by practicing the asked parlaying, is not only an active participation , but also a rescue for the destroying situation of humanity" Bernard Shaw the philosopher says: "Islam is the only religion that we can find the whole goodness of other religions in it but we can not fine whole goodness in other religions! Islam always have been in the place of my appreciation, because it is the only religion that has the gift of digesting different life stages, and has the ability to attract hearts over the years(10), Islam proved since its first appearance that it is the religion of all races , for it combine Solemn the Persian , Belal the Abyssin and Suhaib the Roman and all milted in one pot"(11) France poet Lamar tine says:" Islam is the only religion that can fulfill the needs of the soul and the body at the same time, without exposing Muslim to conscience reproach ,,,and it is the only religion that it's worships has no relations with images and pictures, and it is the highest gift from the creator to humane "(12) 1. Islam idealism by Sarugene Naido (169). 2. Islam and the West Prince Charles speech in oxford institution for Islamic studies.1993 3. God's Sun Shines on the West Zegrid Honkeh (364-366). 4. Mugademat alulum wa almanaheej by Anwar Al-jendy (8\133). 5. ibid 6. from zealotry and forgiveness between Islam and Christianity by Mohammed Al-Ghazali.(194-196) 7. from Islam and Christianity with science and civilization by Mohammed Abduh ,a valuable book we advice to read it. 8. from Islam by dr,Ahmed Shalaby(296) 9. Mohammed in the fair international arts by Mohammed Uhman(62) 10. a call for work 11. from Islam by dr,Ahmed Shalaby (294) 12. Travelling to the Orient By Lamar tine (47).

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الإسلام في عيون غربية منصفة (1) / Islam in Fair Western Eyes 1

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» الإسلام في عيون غربية منصفة (2) / Islam in Fair Western Eyes 2
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